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Cryptocurrencies are famous for being extremely volatile. In a matter of seconds or a few minutes, the prices can fluctuate drastically. With trading being carried out 24/7 round the clock, it becomes extremely challenging for an investor to keep track of the market and make optimal decisions to do healthy trading at the right moment. Crypto trading bots step into the picture, where they are used to make trades and execute transactions on behalf of the investor.
What are Crypto Trading Bots?
Crypto trading bots are automated software used by cryptocurrency investors to maximize their profits. With other risk management tools, crypto trading bots monitor data and trends, allowing the investor to make calls on trades without the emotional factor affecting the trading strategy. Usually, the investor is the one who needs to follow the market trend and keep an eye on the statistics. Still, with the help of crypto trading bots, the whole process has become automated. The bot can analyze and interpret the market, thus calculating the potential risk the investor might face in buying and selling crypto assets.
Below are the top 5 bots in the market which are best at carrying out automated tasks for the investor.