Member-only story
Cryptocurrencies are famous for being incredibly volatile, with prices fluctuating every few minutes. In addition, cryptocurrency trading is available to investors worldwide 24/7, and the combined effect of these characteristics restricts the effectiveness of humans trading in crypto.
In several circumstances, investors are unable to react to price movements to execute ideal trades. Furthermore, they cannot devote as much time to the cryptocurrency markets as required to make the best trades consistently. This would necessitate 24-hour supervision of crypto exchanges around the globe. This is where cryptocurrency trading bots come into play. The bots are programmed in such a way that they execute trades and transactions on behalf of the investors.
What are Crypto Trading Bots?
Crypto trading bots are programs that are designed to automate crypto trading. Typically, the investor will need to pay attention to actual market figures in trading and then decide which cryptocurrency to buy or sell. The study and understanding of the market can be easily automated using cryptocurrency trading bots. They can collect market data, analyze it, calculate potential market risk…