Quantum Computing and How it Might Impact Cybersecurity

4 min readMay 5, 2022

Quantum Computing and How it Might Impact Cybersecurity

To put it succinctly, the impact of quantum computing on cybersecurity can be tremendous and highly disruptive.

Quantum computing shows significant potential in a variety of fields, including medical research, artificial intelligence, weather forecasting, and so on. It does, however, pose a substantial danger to cybersecurity, necessitating a shift in how we secure our data. Although quantum computers do not currently have the capacity to break a lot of our present types of encryptions, we must keep track of the severity of the risks involved and develop quantum-proof solutions right away. We cannot simply wait and watch as those powerful computers rip through our encryptions; otherwise, it’ll be too late.

Irrespective of when widely accessible quantum computers will emerge, one incentive to quantum-proof data now is the prospect of malicious individuals collecting data. Such individuals have already started grabbing data and storing it till they have acquired the means to obtain a quantum computer with which to decipher it. When that happens, the data will have already been tampered with. The only way to maintain information security against such future threats, especially for data that must be kept secure…




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